An official filial of FRESNO HEAT

(photo gallery)


Let us introduce ourselves... The objective of The Argentina Fresno Soccer Club is to promote the game of soccer through the establishment of organized, competitive team play, the development of soccer skills at all levels and ages and to install civic participation, fellowship and sportsmanship. The Argentina Fresno Soccer Club (AFSC) is organized as a 501 c nonprofit corporation under the general corporation federal and state laws to operate exclusively for recreational and competitive purposes without bias regarding race, creed, color, sex, religion, ethnicity or socioeconomic status. We subscribe to the standards which require that the club’s leaders and members follow all the rules and regulations of the NORCAL Premier League, California Youth Soccer Association and US Club Soccer. AFSC is proud to offer youth soccer programs at the Competitive and Developmental levels. The traditional goals of our soccer programs include but are not limited to providing a structured, challenging learning environment where the development of friendship, teamwork, lifetime mental & physical fitness habits provide the most positive outlets for youth soccer players.
To accomplish this, we further commit to: 1. Develop player character, self-confidence, discipline, dedication and respect of teammates and opponents through quality coaching. 2. Provide the opportunity for all players, regardless of ability, to attain their highest potential. Providing education and training for players, parents and coaches to ensure a healthy, safe and enjoyable soccer experience. 3. And finally, to provide accessibility to competitive soccer for players from underrepresented, low income families through financial assistance and/or contributions.


Emilio Salgado
President / (559) 288-5387
Marco Cortez
Vice president / Registrar / (559) 213-3540
Martin Valencia
Club Administrator / (559) 288-6339
Antonio Ruvino
Member at Large / (559) 403-9864